Surfing Fitness Guide

Friday, July 15, 2011

time bomb

I guess i said somethings in my last blog that some didn't like to much. I just want to say I love you all! I tend to vent and i wright things that come to mind. I just want to assure all of you that I'm not the enemy. God bless.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Starting Over

So here i am starting over. Good news is that my boss called me back. Thank god. Count your blessings. I know i am. So here i pounder why all this happen, i think  and think some more. Cant explain why I went through this at such a great time in my life. I just bought a house, work is good and busy! Things  happen for a reason. I guess right. Maybe i'll get more respect from all this. Its a shame that anybody has to go through this and have to live with this illness. I'll know the answer one of this days. Its amusing to find how much closer you come to know yourself. know your limits, your ambitions, your loved ones. I have racing thoughts, about alot of things. If you think to much it can be aggravating, when all you do is try to find the answers,  and haven't a clue where to start. I have my girlfriend , dogs and friends. Cant say much about my family,they only care about them self's. This shall all pass. Well I'm gonna kick back to some tunes.

PC Doctor